RTR Service

Routinator has a built-in server for the RPKI-to-Router (RTR) protocol, which can be started with the --rtr command line option or the rtr-listen option in the configuration file.

Routinator supports RTR version 1 described in RFC 8210, as well as the older version from RFC 6810. After the first validation run has completed, routers with support for route origin validation (ROV) can connect to Routinator to fetch the processed data.


If you would like to run the RTR server as a separate daemon, for example because you want to centralise validation and distribute processed data to various locations where routers can connect, then NLnet Labs provides RTRTR.

In the examples throughout the documentation we use port 3323 for RTR connections, but please note that this is not the IANA-assigned default port for the protocol, which would be 323. But as this is a privileged port, you would need to be running Routinator as root when otherwise there is no reason to do that.

Secure Transports

Although there is no mandatory-to-implement transport that provides authentication and integrity protection, RFC 6810#section-7 defines a number of secure transports for RPKI-RTR that can be used to secure communications, including TLS, SSH, TCP MD5 and TCP-AO.

Routinator has native support for TLS connections, and can be configured to use SSH Transport with some additional tooling.

TLS Transport

It’s possible to natively use RTR-over-TLS connections with Routinator. There is an IANA-assigned default port for rpki-rtr-tls as well, in this case 324.

Currently, very few routers have implemented support for TLS, but it may be especially useful to use secure connections when deploying our RTR data proxy RTRTR, as data may be flowing across the public Internet.

In this example we’ll start Routinator’s RTR server listening on the IP addresses and 2001:0DB8::13 and use port 3324 to make sure it’s not a privileged port.

First, indicate that you want a TLS connection with the --rtr-tls option. Then use the --rtr-tls-cert option to specify the path to a file containing the server certificates to be used. This file has to contain one or more certificates encoded in PEM format. Lastly, use the --rtr-tls-key option to specify the path to a file containing the private key to be used for RTR-over-TLS connections. The file has to contain exactly one private key encoded in PEM format:

routinator server --rtr-tls \
                  --rtr-tls [2001:0DB8::13]:3324 \
                  --rtr-tls-cert "/path/to/rtr-tls.crt" \
                  --rtr-tls-key "/path/to/rtr-tls.key"

If you want to securely connect to Routinator with RTRTR using the RTR-TLS Unit, a certificate that is trusted by the usual set of web trust anchors will work with no additional configuration. In case you generated a self-signed certificate for Routinator, make sure to copy the certificate to your machine running RTRTR and refer to the path of the file in your unit using the cacerts configuration option.

New in version 0.11.0.

SSH Transport

These instructions were contributed by Wild Kat.

SSH transport for RPKI-RTR can be configured with the help of netcat and OpenSSH.

  1. Begin by installing the openssh-server and netcat packages.

Make sure Routinator is running as an RTR server on localhost:

routinator server --rtr
  1. Create a username and a password for the router to log into the host with, such as rpki.

  2. Configure OpenSSH to expose an rpki-rtr subsystem that acts as a proxy into Routinator by editing the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file or equivalent to include the following line:

# Define an `rpki-rtr` subsystem which is actually `netcat` used to
# proxy STDIN/STDOUT to a running `routinator server --rtr`
Subsystem       rpki-rtr        /bin/nc 3323

# Certain routers may use old KEX algos and Ciphers which are no longer enabled by default.
# These examples are required in IOS-XR 5.3 but no longer enabled by default in OpenSSH 7.3
Ciphers +3des-cbc
KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group1-sha1

# Only allow the rpki user to execute this one command
Match User rpki
    ForceCommand /bin/nc localhost 3323
    PasswordAuthentication yes
Match all
  1. Restart the OpenSSH server daemon.

  2. Set up the router running IOS-XR using this example configuration:

router bgp 65534
 rpki server
  username rpki
  password <password>
  transport ssh port 22

Configuring Routers

Route Origin Validation is supported on most hardware and software routers. This documentation does not provide authoritative information on how to configure each router platform, but aims to provide helpful pointers.

Hardware Routers

Software Routers

See also

Rejecting RPKI Invalid BGP Routes in the NLNOG BGP Filter Guide.


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